Bill Hudak, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress 6th District, speaks with Jen Quinn and Michael DePaulo during the Hamilton Republican Town Committee Politics and Polo event.
Well, clearly you think that being seen with wealthy people will upset your comrades, which is why you continually lose any small bit of power you receive ever now and then. Hudak is for the Constitution... for the people, by the people.... so he's not going to avoid wealthy people just to pacify the chaotic left.
That being said, I don't see tea partiers wearing kheffiyah and throwing molotov cocktails, all in the name of palestine, either... there's a lot of things that make tea partiers an admirable choice over the subversive Alinskyites.
Hey NotJohn, Thanks so much for that link you attached to the song "If I Had a Million Dollars". It does remind me of how patently unfair oligarchy is and how great a place a polo field must be to mine republican wealth .... Crazily the U.S. is one of the few places where people continuously vote against their own best economic interest based on a dream fed by the well-off that someday they may be in a position to benefit from those "polo policies" themselves.... Of course your man struts the pitch. Does he play? Did he at least tread-in with the common folk?
Now if I had a million dollars I might try to buy you an election but, oh yeah, outside district money is already trying that one for you...
And thanks so much for the video there with a doctored picture of Osama Bin Laden that reminds me again of how crazy some candidates are....
Oops. I forgot that it's just a parody, and we shouldn't be taking any of this silly old election stuff seriously....
Well, clearly you think that being seen with wealthy people will upset your comrades, which is why you continually lose any small bit of power you receive ever now and then. Hudak is for the Constitution... for the people, by the people.... so he's not going to avoid wealthy people just to pacify the chaotic left.
That being said, I don't see tea partiers wearing kheffiyah and throwing molotov cocktails, all in the name of palestine, either... there's a lot of things that make tea partiers an admirable choice over the subversive Alinskyites.
Congressman John Tierney
Hey NotJohn,
Thanks so much for that link you attached to the song "If I Had a Million Dollars". It does remind me of how patently unfair oligarchy is and how great a place a polo field must be to mine republican wealth .... Crazily the U.S. is one of the few places where people continuously vote against their own best economic interest based on a dream fed by the well-off that someday they may be in a position to benefit from those "polo policies" themselves.... Of course your man struts the pitch. Does he play? Did he at least tread-in with the common folk?
Now if I had a million dollars I might try to buy you an election but, oh yeah, outside district money is already trying that one for you...
And thanks so much for the video there with a doctored picture of Osama Bin Laden that reminds me again of how crazy some candidates are....
Oops. I forgot that it's just a parody, and we shouldn't be taking any of this silly old election stuff seriously....
And thanks, BTW, for reading the blog!
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