Congratulations to our Republican friends. They had a great turnout for their protest before Congressman Tierney's Community Meeting. I took some photos (with their permission) in order to give those of you who couldn't make the event a sense of what our local opponents are about.
On a personal note I would like to say that they all seemed like fine folks. Some seemed a bit angry but mainly they appeared to be just like us (political junkies) except they hold some rather bizarre notions.
For example, my 401k does indeed feel more like a 201k these days. Yet, I seem to recall it took a major hit before Obama was elected. Ditto for "Obama Lied - The Economy Died." Do these people really believe that Obama is responsible for this current economic collapse? If so, that entails some pretty serious denial. My two favorites are: "Obama Lied - Socialism Thrived" and "Free Markets = Freedom" but for different reasons. To quote fellow NDCC member Zab Warren: "I won't call you a fascist if you don't call me a socialist." If free markets equal freedom then I guess the signholder supports the Employee Freedom of Choice Act. After all, how can we claim to live in a free society when the vast majority of us work in institutions in which we have very few rights and can be fired for "good cause, bad cause or no cause at all?"
Other than that, we saw the usual anti-health care reform sentiments, opposition to Keynesian stimulus spending (more on that later), and we were urged to read the U.S. Constitution. I wonder if the protestors noted that Congressman Tierney provided copies of the Constitution at the event?
Um, I was one of the conservatives/Republicans there today and you certainly got the spin right. Are you auditioning for MSNBC?
Yes, we are angry. We're angry that the idiot you elected to President has decided that success is bad, financial security should be left up to the geniuses in DC and social justice means lowering the bar so that all can be "equal".
You forgot to mention those of us who are outraged over Obama's charitable donation tax and his absurd notion of mandatory community service, previously reserved solely for law breakers soon to be obigatory for our youth and our seniors. You failed to mention that many of us were there just to reassure ourselves that there are many more like us who know that what the admin and it's whipping boys (and girls) in Congress are doing is wrong, unconstitutional and antithetical to the American tradition of freedom and liberty. What you have failed to grasp is that, despite the 50% of you who cannot cope without government interference and guidance in your lives, the other 50% of us have managed to grow up, get educated, succeed and reach "happiness", all without blaming anyone else for our failures and difficulties. We don't need a bloated and self-serving bureaucracy to take care of us - we're doing just fine. Maybe, just maybe if you stopped drinking the Kool-Aid, got of your arse, opened your eyes and took a look at all that is good and right in this still great but threatened country that you so undeservedly yet blessedly were born into, you just might grasp the concept of personal responsibility that your idiot leader has corrupted.
But by all means, join us in Boston, at the State House on April 15th, when we will again voice our overwhelming displeasure at the path your President has taken and deliver a fair warning to all those elected Obamabots who are following, that 2010 will be here sooner than they think.
Perhaps you would get a better response from the citizens you are trying to enlighten if you weren't so rude and condescending. Take the anger and partisan nonsense out of your writings and talk about what you would like to see different. Because, otherwise, you are no different then the Republicans in Congress whom have no actual solutions for resolving this economic collapse (caused by the last administration) but just sit back and hurl criticisms. Try being part of the solution for a while!
GOPMOM - thanks for your comments. You remind me of all the media types asking us why we were so "angry" 6 years ago when we said Bush's economic policies would destroy the economy and his war in Iraq was a mistake. I can understand being angry about politics, believe me.
However, let's keep it civil. You may disagree with our President, but he is the duly elected President of the United States. And, he most definitively is not an "idiot."
Sorry, can't make the April 15 protest - I have to work.
GOPMOM - I checked on the tax on charitable giving. It affects only the top 1% of income earners and represents a return to tax levels during the Reagan Administration. What would Reagan do?
So all you guys are holding signs and seeking attention, but what constructive actiosn do you guys take? My taxes went down since Obama took ofice and howcome all the GOPs seem to be soo upset with Obama spenindg money to try and save this country from the mess we are in, but no one cared that Bush spent the same amount of money and threw it away in Iraq, we will be paying for that war for a lot longer than we will be paying for Obama's plans.
GOPMOM, did you make your whole post up, GOPs seem to love to rant and make no sense or provide and facts or alternatives.
Wow, you guys really need to lay off the Kool-Aid.
First off, Jeff, we are "being part of the solution". Don't go all paranoid on me, but the tea parties are a way for conservatives to network. We are making plans on the grassroots level for the 2010 elections, at local state and fed level.
2 - Um, ct, uh, well um, when I uh, called the Prez, um an idiot, I uh, was being, um, as civil, uh, as possible. The uh, dude, um is a, uh, doofus.
#3 - Anonymous, your taxes did not go down since Obama took office - unless you got laid off and therefore now pay no taxes. And Iraq has cost nothing near what this new war on liberty and freedom will cost. Please do not even try to compare a $600 billion deficit over 8 years with a $12 trillion deficit. Or did you go to public school and you're using the new math?
#4 - Anonymous, too, I am a conservative who believes in the principles of the Republican party - you know, Lincoln's party. And I was simply pointing out the inherent fallacies in ct's report. Only half of the story was reported. And the tone was offensive to those of us who took time out of our lives to protest the reckless spending and punitive taxation being perpetrated on the American public by the power hungry socialists in Washington and beyond. Never fear, we are fighting for your right to liberty and freedom, just as we are fighting for our own. Unfortunately, the lazy hand-out junkies do benefit from the hard work and sacrifice of true patriots - we're just trying to limit the size of the hand-outs. You don't have to understand it - just accept that this little experiment at socialism will end soon enough - probably right about the time you figure out that your freedom has been usurped.
You really need to come into the reality based world. Check out the following from the IRS:,,id=204521,00.html
You are factually incorrect regarding the charitable donation tax. It is the same as that under Reagan and has an impact only on the top 1% of income earners.
You are factually incorrect on mandatory community service (see my post of Orrin Hatch's press release).
Oh... and I'll go with the guy who was editor of the Harvard Law Review in terms of intellectual capacity. Again, you can differ with the guy's policy but no one is going to buy your assertion that he is an "idiot."
Party of Lincoln? Not since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
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